Dissolved Air Flotation

DAF Rental
Easy Setup & Integration

Our modular DAF units come equipped with a custom control and monitoring system, providing real-time data and system control across the entire wastewater treatment process. Each rental gives you access to our experienced team, providing the support you need to confidently meet your objectives. Our clients rely on our DAF rentals for a variety of short and long-term needs.

Immediately Meet Regulatory Requirements

Minimize Operating Costs and Capital Expenditure

Accommodate Seasonal Variations in Production

Deploy Outdoors, if No Indoor Space is Available

Supplement an Existing System’s Shutdowns / Upgrades

Biomaxx’s modular DAF rentals come equipped with a custom-built control panel, providing real-time online monitoring and system control, across the entire wastewater treatment process. Most notably, each rental gives you access to our trusted team of experts.

Systems Components Include

  • Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) unit, including dissolved air pump and coagulation and flocculation changers with mixers
  • DAF feed pump
  • pH adjustment system
  • Chemical feed pumps (acid, coagulant, polymer)
  • Sludge pump
  • Additional BioMaxx Value Add
  • DAF effluent and wastewater control panel that allows for system automation and remote monitoring/operation of TSS, pH, Tank Level, Flow Rate

Optional Add On
Sludge Dewatering Equipment

Technical Specifications

With support from our experienced team, we will customize your wastewater treatment program to minimize chemical usage and ensure that process meets your operational needs.

Contact us to learn more.
